Hayden Crawford – Discover Your True Soul Purpose Crown Perth

$15 per ticket
Do you want to discover your TRUE Soul Purpose so you can start leading the life of your dreams?
This enlightening presentation will introduce you to the wisdom of PYTHAGOREAN NUMEROLOGY and offers some unique insights into how it aligns with the magical world of colour therapy and the planets!
Discover how your birthdate holds the answer to your true soul purpose, strengths and weaknesses, personality blueprint and the best times to embark on new projects or ventures.
This unique and highly interactive talk will give you practical guidance on how to interpret your own and other peoples numbers so you can understand yourself and your loved ones with greater clarity, depth and appreciation.
It will cover:
• The Metaphysical understanding of Numbers.
• The meaning of your Ruling Number, Day Number and Life Cycle Number.
• The Pythagorean Numerical Grid.
• The Arrows of Individuality.
• A special BONUS introduction into how it aligns with the powerful world of colour therapy!
Hayden is the Founder of Dreemtime Academy, Spiritual Teacher, Wellness Coach and Colour Therapist. He gives overwhelmed women permission to explore and rediscover their inner wisdom so they can live life with more joy and purpose. Hayden works closely with the Colour Mirrors system to help you achieve the best results in the quickest time. This exceptionally powerful, colour therapy system was created to promote both personal and spiritual transformation.