Learn the basics of Usui Reiki and come away with your Reiki 1 Attunement on this enlightening weekend course near Mandurah.
You’ll receive 4 attunements:
- a spiritual process that activates & enhances healing and transformational energy.
- balance the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies.
- balance and align all the chakras.
- highlight and expand the base/1st chakra.
- energise your endocrine (glandular) system.
- make a permanent connection to the Reiki energy for the rest of your life.
You’ll also learn:
- to give Reiki to yourself, others, plants and animals.
- how you can support others during an emergency.
- how to use Reiki to complement Western medicine and natural therapies.
- energy protection tools so your energy isn’t drained.
- receive two guided meditations.
The course will run from 10am-3pm on:
The next course will be in early 2022
Accommodation is not included.
Please email hayden@haydencrawford.com with your expression of interest to join the next group.
How much is it?