Yeshua (Pale Gold)

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Yeshua (Pale Gold)


This essence reminds you of your commitment at this time to learn how to be love and nothing but love. This is the process and the journey, and this essence will light your way.


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Yeshua (Pale Gold)

This essence makes the energy of the Divine very real, connecting you with the golden Divine light you hold within. It helps you release old programs carried in your DNA and integrate the many new frequencies of energy now streaming onto the earth. It takes you deeper into your authentic power and lets every cell in your body know that the only real power on the planet – and throughout the universe – is love. There truly is nothing else. Enlightenment is simply living as love in every moment. This is the truth that Yeshua embodied, which enabled him to become a Christ, a Divine being of love. This essence reminds you of your commitment at this time to learn how to be love and nothing but love. This is the process and the journey, and this essence will light your way. You are here to help take the planet into the Golden Age, and with Yeshua’s vast and unlimited support, you can do it.