G11 – Generosity

G11 – Generosity


Coral is unconditional self-acceptance and pale gold is your connection to your authentic Divine self. This combination reconnects you to who you really are.


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G11 – Generosity (Pale Coral / Pale Gold)

Coral is unconditional self-acceptance – I am perfect as I am – and pale gold is your connection to your authentic Divine self. This combination powerfully reconnects you to who you really are, a Divine creation, a magnificent human able to joyously dance your reality into being. If you are already perfect and aligned with your Divine self you can create anything, and this bottle opens you to harvest, abundance, love and joy. Now you can finally see yourself as part of the Divine’s perfection. You deserve everything and more, and as you claim this you can access and generously share all of it. The love that you hold for your precious self is so magnetic that it can attract anything you focus on because you are in alignment with Divine truth. This bottle holds the softly loving power of the Divine feminine and invites you to connect with it as you explore and heal your relationship with the female energies in your life.