Green Pearl
The Green Pearl is the new heart – your true power centre, more powerful than the brain in knowing who you are. This Pearl opens up a new space inside for more love, more generosity, more gentleness. It paves the way for an authentic heart, an open mind, a clear space from which to love and be loved. In the pale shimmery green you begin to feel the vibration of an entirely new light. This is the light that will create a new green planet, where each and every living, breathing creature will be safe and abundant. This new planet is created as the hearts of all humanity begin to heal and collectively birth a new reality. This green space is the energy of the new age. On this new earth there is no fear and no judgement. There is no poverty, no crime, no need to endlessly go on about who is right, no good versus evil, no war. Duality is stopped in its tracks as oneness is known in every cell of every being.
While this gentle shimmery green softens and expands your heart, your soul has a different perception. It sees the complementary colour – the bright shiny red – which shows you that to get to this new planet you first have to be completely grounded, entirely in your body and completely in love with all that is. The earth exists to give you the most exquisite experience of bliss if only you look through the eyes of your soul, expand your heart and let every cell in your body fall in love with itself and its vibrant life force. This bottle calls you to let every cell shimmer with love for itself and every other cell around it and then let that love expand so that you fall in love with every cell of the earth and everything upon it and every star in every galaxy. Now you realise that it is all one stuff. It is all alive and vibrant and there are no mistakes – all is perfect.
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