Here are Our Online Courses

Colour Therapy – Level 1
Have you been wanting to learn more about Colour Therapy but just haven’t found the best course at an affordable price?
For just $99 AUD you can now explore the wisdom of colour on this soul enhancing course.

Colour Therapy – Level 2
The next step on your Colour Therapy journey is here…
For just $99 AUD you can now delve even deeper into the wisdom of colour on this soul enhancing course.

Starseed Awakening
This enlightening, self-paced course helps Starseeds to reconnect to their starry origins, rediscover their soul purpose and enjoy rebirthing to 5D New Earth energies.
The entire course can be completed in around ten hours, but because it is self-paced you can complete the modules at your leisure because you have lifetime access to the learning portal.

Numerology – Level 1
This enlightening workshop will introduce you to the magical world of PYTHAGOREAN NUMEROLOGY.
Discover how your birthdate holds the answer to your true life purpose, strengths and weaknesses, personality blueprint and the best times to embark on new projects or ventures.

Numerology – Level 2
Unveil how your birthdate and ‘living’ name hold the answer to your true life purpose, major transitions and personality blueprint.
This unique workshop will give you practical guidance on how to interpret your own and other people’s names and numbers based on Pythagorean Numerology.

Numerology – Level 3
It’s time to take your learning to new heights!
This enlightening Level 3 workshop will deepen your exploration of NUMEROLOGY and offers some more wisdom from the amazing Colour Mirrors.

Your True Colours
Do you want to find your TRUE purpose in life?
During this 12-week online wellness program you will embark upon a transformational journey of self-realisation.
Along the way, Hayden will guide you through a structured process of releasing negative patterns, emotions, beliefs and behaviours and you will be reconnected to a broader self-awareness and higher purpose.
This signature program is tailored to your individual requirements for the best results. If you are ready to take the reigns of your life again, embrace a life-changing process and step into the most fulfilled version of yourself, then this is the course for you.

Do you want to let go of self-sabotaging patterns?
During this 4-week online wellness program you will be releasing resistance, fear and shame so that you can gain momentum on your way to an empowered and purposeful life.
Hayden will help you to identify, embrace and release your subconscious shadow patterns using a variety of transformational tools and techniques.
Remember, it takes 30 days to make a habit or break a habit so you can expect to take a quantum leap in your personal development journey.

Do you dream of becoming a leading Colour Therapist?
The Colour Mirrors system was founded by Melissie Jolly in 2001. This program is a soul calling, and if you feel drawn to study colour analysis, numerology or teach higher consciousness through the lens of colour or add colour analysis to your business or practice, then this is the best next step on your journey.
This course helps you to integrate the higher consciousness learning of each colour, the spiritual principles derived from the Melchizedek teachings and the psychological and analytical meanings of 19 colours.
Colour Mirrors is a soul enhancing, certified program that will help you to raise the vibration of your clients into the new 5D frequencies.